UMP Holdings extends heartfelt congratulations to Mohammad Arif irfan bin A’ali Zaini from BIM UMP Holdings for winning bronze medal in The Second Belt and Road International Skill Competition (BRISC).
Also credit to our honourable team of experts and coach:
National Expert
1. PM Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Haron
National coach
1. Ts. Muhammad Syaiful Safwan bin Nordin
National team of experts
1. Ts. Muhammad Afiq bin Hasmi
2. Ts. Mohd Faizul Farhan bin Ahmad Hamidi
3. Muhammad Amirul bin Azmi
Arif Irfan competed in the Digital Construction skill trade at the competition held on June 24-26 in Chongqing, China, which attracted nearly 600 skilled professionals from 61 countries and regions.
We eagerly anticipate providing full support to our staff to excel and enhance UMPH's reputation both domestically and globally.